Complain Wall


SQL Az Learning

SQL SQL Query all usernames in DB select name as username, create_date, modify_date, type_desc as type, authentication_type_desc as authentication_type from sys.database_principals where type not in...


Read Module

Searching in modules As an example, when loading a module: Connect-ExchangeOnline PS generates a tmp file with imported commands, sometimes you want to check the...


PS Learnings

Learned Setting a global variable. If you create a Function in PS, the commands are executed within the function run-space. But sometimes you want to...


Advanced PS Functions

Input methodes voor functies Begin - Beschikt over alle benodigde code Process - main functions End - net localgroup administrators select -skip 6 ? {$_...


Kan twee elementen in de matrix neit vergelijken

Matrix niet vergelijken. Getting the following issue when PSíng for all members in local group “Administrators” Get-LocalGroupMember : Kan twee elementen in de matrix niet...


PS - Partner Portal ForEach

Powershell connection towards clients When you setup a baseline script, you’d hate it to run the script per client tenant. We need to automate this....



Headings by default: H1 For example H2 For example H3 For example H4 For example H5 For example H6 For example ## Heading first level...


Change GIT username

Contributer name is wrong. Working in multiple projects, you might get into an issue with GIT, uploading a wrong name to your github page. And...


First Edition

PowerShell Let’s try to make a fast script that wil “WoW” your online fans…. Open PowerShell ISE Copy & Past below highlighted area in PS...



The main question is, do’s anyone really care :O Or they just yell YOLO. But why don’t they? You know im right.. So this is...


The Correct Setup

Make the Perfect setup 1.Defender ATP 2.Conditional access to resources 3.OneDrive configured via Intune to backup local folders 4.Windows Virtual desktop for personal/non conditional access...



You tell em, they never listen…. PLZ Reveal All steppez